Monday, October 6, 2014

Seitan Sausages

It is a nice rainy day and we have today off! I thought I would post one of my favorite recipes.. Seitan Sausages.  This makes about 20 sausage size pieces and takes about and an hour and a half from start to finish.

They are totally worth the wait.

And, they freeze well. They don't usually last that long for us though.

Seitan Sausages


1 1/2 cups vital wheat gluten powder
1/2 cup nutritional yeast flakes
2 tablespoons garlic powder
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tsp thyme
1 - 1 1/2 tsps cayenne pepper
1 tsps sage 
1 tsp black pepper
1 1/2 tsps salt
1 1/4 cups water


1. Mix all ingredients (except water) in a bowl.  We have put it in a mixer and done it by hand and we think it tastes better by hand.
2. Add water
3. It will be damp and a little hard to manage.  It springs back pretty easy. Try to roll it into a long log, flatten a little and use a bench scraper or knife to cut thin sausage size pieces.(approx 20 pieces) This part is tedious, but necessary: Roll each sausage into parchment paper to keep shape and then into aluminum foil. 
4. Steam at medium low heat about 1 hour to cook them.  
5.  At this point you can fry the ones you want on a pan with a little oil and put the rest in a bag and put in fridge. (Make sure you let them cool first)

These are delicious.


When my husband first started going vegan, this is what we started with and he loved them!

Good luck!

I will make them again and put up some pictures very soon.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Vegetarian to Vegan!

     Great news! So much has changed since I last posted..
     About a year ago, my husband and I had been watching videos on youtube and somehow ventured into animal cruelty.  My husband did not realize what was being to done to them.. We learned about factory farming.  That night, my husband became a vegetarian.  I did not believe it would last, but he has not had any meat in a year! We have actually become vegan.  We did a lot of research on dairy cows and the poor chickens confined in a building.. and baby chicks being ground up.  It can bring anyone to tears.  We decided we could no longer support the industry.  We do not allow any meat, dairy, or eggs into our home.  We have not missed it and yes, we get everything we need in our diet.
      When you start with one thing, you end up opening up a whole new can of worms.  We learned about fracking, climate change, factory farming, chemicals and odd ingredients in the food, chemicals in our house, GMO's, dyes, and ultimately the benefits of growing and making our own food.
     My sister, Jenny, moved in and she too is vegan.  Her boyfriend, AJ, is also a vegan.      
     We cook every.. yes EVERY... meal at home.  Yes, our grocery bill has gone up, but like I said, we don't go out to eat.  I believe it is worth it !   My husband got rid of an ulcer and dropped over 30 pounds!  AJ lost about the same.  We all feel amazing and get excited about every meal we cook.
    We have a hard time having people over, but so far... they have all been somewhat willing to try the food.  9 times out of 10 they actually really like it!  Yay!
     We bought about 14 acres and our dream is to build a tiny home and live there growing everything we eat. I am making my own recipe book now of my recipes and my favorites from other books and websites.
     I am happy to say, I will now be posting vegan recipes only.  Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.  I would be happy to talk with anyone! I have become passionate in everything I have mentioned.  If you are not vegan, try them out.. you might like something.  If you are vegan, welcome! I hope you find great recipes that you can use for years to come.  :)
Hyper Smash